keeping adult quail










The first thing to remember is that they will fly very well to get away if they are frightened or unsure of the position they are in, it is a good idea to prevent loss to the wild that you only handle the quail in a secure building

When we talk about adult Coturnix quail they will be over 8 weeks of age, although they still have a little more growing to do. Providing they have had good management Coturnix Quail lay eggs from around seven weeks of age, you should get an egg most days during the summer.

To start with the eggs can be obscure in size to settled birds in a regular production pattern, super size eggs with double yolks or very small pea sized eggs can be produced (see photo below), after a couple of weeks from commencement of egg production they usually will lay regular sized eggs.

-quail egg sizes


If laying hens are moved to new quarters, a pause in production is likely, avoid introducing new birds into the territory of an established group If they are short of water egg production will stop. The importance of good feed and water is vital to production of healthy eggs with supreme shells and content.